Monthly Archives: September 2023

Signs That Your Customers Are Becoming Disengaged (And What to Do About It)

Your best customers will always be your most engaged customers. These customers will also tend to be your most frequent customers, have higher per-order values, and be your best brand advocates. Not surprisingly, keeping these customers engaged is critical to the future of your business. But how can you tell if customers are starting to [...]

By |2023-09-21T16:03:14+00:00September 21st, 2023|Direct Mail, Marketing, Social Media|0 Comments

Finding Hidden Data to Understand Your Audience Better

When we consider personalized print marketing, we consider the name, address, gender, household income, and other simple variables. But is that enough to create highly targeted, relevant campaigns? There are times when you want a richer data set. Before purchasing third-party data, however, take a deeper look in-house. You may have more data than you [...]

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