Direct Mail

Lead Follow-Up: Timing Is Everything

You've crafted a powerful B2B direct mail campaign with an email follow-up. The design is terrific. The call to action is vital. Success! A high percentage of respondents contact you for more information. You pass the leads to your sales team, and they follow up. However, several weeks later, you look at the conversion rate [...]

By |2024-06-17T14:24:29+00:00June 17th, 2024|Branding, Direct Mail, Marketing, Print|0 Comments

Unlocking Success: 3 Benefits of Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM)

In today's digital age, where email inboxes overflow and online advertisements saturate screens, it's easy for your marketing message to get lost in the noise. That's where Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) steps in as a beacon of traditional marketing effectiveness. EDDM offers businesses a direct, tangible way to reach potential customers without the barriers [...]

By |2024-04-24T20:17:53+00:00April 24th, 2024|Branding, Direct Mail, Marketing, Print|0 Comments

The Power of Multi-Piece Mailers

Why send mailings with multiple components instead of simple sales or donation letters? Because each component of a multi-part mailing is designed to move the recipient toward the desired action in a way that generates better results than a single letter on its own. The Arbor Day Foundation has mastered this technique. Let’s take a [...]

By |2024-04-17T15:36:09+00:00April 17th, 2024|Direct Mail, Fundraising, Marketing, Non-Profit, Print|0 Comments

Marketing Differently Based on Customer Acquisition or Retention

Do you treat your customer acquisition and customer retention mailings the same? If so, you should reconsider. The two groups are quite different and should be marketed differently. Let’s take a closer look. Customer Acquisition Mailings Customer acquisition mailings focus on reaching potential customers who have not engaged with your brand. The goal is to [...]

By |2024-02-27T21:11:36+00:00February 27th, 2024|Branding, Customer Service, Direct Mail, Marketing|0 Comments

How You Can Make Personalization Easy

Talk about personalized communications is all around us. Yet, only some businesses are using personalization in their marketing. The reasons vary, from thinking it’s too expensive to it’s too difficult to do. The reality is that neither is true. Let’s look at three ways to target your marketing communications that don’t require much effort or [...]

By |2024-02-12T16:22:39+00:00February 12th, 2024|Branding, Direct Mail, Marketing, Print, Social Media|0 Comments

5 Tips for Better Direct Mail Pieces

Want to create awesome direct mail? You must always carefully consider the list, the message, and the call to action, but other factors make a highly effective mail piece, too. These include things like the trim size, shape, and texture of the piece. Let's look at five considerations for creating standout mail pieces. 1.) Trim [...]

By |2024-02-12T16:17:50+00:00January 4th, 2024|Branding, Direct Mail, Marketing, Print|0 Comments

When Does Print Marketing Beat Digital?

Print and email are powerful tools for getting information out there quickly or engaging your audience on a frequent or programmatic basis. But when you want to communicate with your audience at a deep and emotional level, you want to turn to print. The reasons have to do with the way our brains are wired. [...]

Heavier Weight Paper Is a Better Communicator

Are you creating a brochure? Postcard? Sales letter? When you use heavier-weight paper, it gets more attention. That attention translates into a more positive perception of your brand and, according to a study from SAPPI North America, increases the likelihood that your information will be shared with friends. The study, conducted by the Eagleman Lab, [...]

By |2023-10-24T23:47:59+00:00October 24th, 2023|Branding, Direct Mail, Marketing, Print|0 Comments

5 Ways to Motivate Your Target Audience

Are fewer people responding to your direct mail pieces? Maybe it’s because they’ve seen the same or similar design multiple times. It could be time to try something new. Here are five simple ideas to improve your marketing and get more people interested in your offers again. Mix up envelope styles. Use the same envelope [...]

By |2023-10-12T13:06:35+00:00October 12th, 2023|Branding, Direct Mail, Marketing, Print|0 Comments

Signs That Your Customers Are Becoming Disengaged (And What to Do About It)

Your best customers will always be your most engaged customers. These customers will also tend to be your most frequent customers, have higher per-order values, and be your best brand advocates. Not surprisingly, keeping these customers engaged is critical to the future of your business. But how can you tell if customers are starting to [...]

By |2023-09-21T16:03:14+00:00September 21st, 2023|Direct Mail, Marketing, Social Media|0 Comments
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