Social Media

How You Can Make Personalization Easy

Talk about personalized communications is all around us. Yet, only some businesses are using personalization in their marketing. The reasons vary, from thinking it’s too expensive to it’s too difficult to do. The reality is that neither is true. Let’s look at three ways to target your marketing communications that don’t require much effort or [...]

By |2024-02-12T16:22:39+00:00February 12th, 2024|Branding, Direct Mail, Marketing, Print, Social Media|0 Comments

3 Steps to a Social Media Strategy

Have you added social media to your multichannel mix? Intelligent businesses are combining direct mail and email, but social media? That’s for doomscrolling over your morning coffee, not for marketing...or is it? It is! Innovative brands go where their customers are, and your customers are on social media. Social media is not just where your [...]

By |2023-12-08T16:54:56+00:00December 8th, 2023|Branding, Marketing, Social Media|0 Comments

Signs That Your Customers Are Becoming Disengaged (And What to Do About It)

Your best customers will always be your most engaged customers. These customers will also tend to be your most frequent customers, have higher per-order values, and be your best brand advocates. Not surprisingly, keeping these customers engaged is critical to the future of your business. But how can you tell if customers are starting to [...]

By |2023-09-21T16:03:14+00:00September 21st, 2023|Direct Mail, Marketing, Social Media|0 Comments

Embracing the Summer Advantage: Why Smart Marketers Stay Active While Others Slow Down

Many businesses mistakenly think their marketing efforts should take a backseat as summer arrives. It's when people go on vacations, schools break for summer, and overall activity seems to slow down. Rather than pulling back, however, savvy marketers see the summer as an opportunity to ramp up. Why? Let’s take a look. 1.) The Summer [...]

By |2024-07-15T17:46:24+00:00July 14th, 2023|Branding, Direct Mail, Marketing, Print, Social Media|0 Comments

Use Customized Mailers to Woo Influencers

Did you know that 67% of those investing in influencer marketing plan to increase their investment this year? Why? Because it works. Shoppers are likelier to believe an influencer over the brand itself, so once the influencer is convinced to try your product and loves it, they will share that with their followers. This drives [...]

By |2023-05-30T13:20:08+00:00May 30th, 2023|Branding, Direct Mail, Marketing, Print, Social Media|0 Comments

When Is Too Early to Start Holiday Marketing?

Ever wondered why that beautifully printed holiday direct mail piece or creatively designed email blast didn’t work as well as you’d hoped? Was it the messaging? The list? The headline or subject line? Maybe it wasn’t any of these, or you’re just starting too late. According to ShopKick, consumers are shopping for the holiday season [...]

By |2022-10-28T14:42:44+00:00October 28th, 2022|Direct Mail, Marketing, Print, Social Media, Video|0 Comments

Avoid This Content Marketing Mistake

According to research from, 68.7% of content marketers’ decisions come from other teams’ requests. The sales department wants to support the latest product rollout. Management intends to defend its year-end goals. Everyone has a finger in the pie. To be successful, content marketers must do more than fulfill everyone else’s wish lists. By setting [...]

Direct Mail and Social Media: Better Together

Are you planning a multichannel marketing campaign? Automatically assuming you will be pairing direct mail with email? How about pairing direct mail with social media instead? Haven’t thought about it? Maybe you should. What makes direct mail and social media so complementary? Higher levels of customer engagement, regardless of channel, lead to strong customer loyalty [...]

By |2022-02-24T13:23:43+00:00February 24th, 2022|Direct Mail, Marketing, Social Media|0 Comments
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