Why send mailings with multiple components instead of simple sales or donation letters? Because each component of a multi-part mailing is designed to move the recipient toward the desired action in a way that generates better results than a single letter on its own.

The Arbor Day Foundation has mastered this technique. Let’s take a look at how they do it.

Every year, the nonprofit sends out its Annual Tree Survey Campaign. In the campaign, homeowners receive an oversized 12” x 18” white envelope printed with the year and [Recipient’s State] TREE SURVEY. Below that are official looking boxes with the recipient’s participant number, state, and barcode.

The “Gotta Open” Envelope

The outside of the envelope includes official language about the recipient’s selection to participate in the survey, warnings that the contents are for the recipient only, and a command to OPEN IMMEDIATELY: RETURN SURVEY IN THE NEXT 10 DAYS. There is also an offer for four free gifts!

Once the recipient opens the envelope, there are multiple pages inside. First is a page personalized with images of “species selected specifically for [recipient’s city].” This creates an immediate connection. This is relevant to me.

Next is the survey, which includes a variety of questions designed to remind the recipient how much they love trees.

  • “Have you ever climbed a tree?”
  • “When you were a child, did you ever play under or amongst the trees?”
  • “Do you think residents of [recipient’s state] care more about trees than people in the rest of the country?”

Every question is designed to be answered “yes” and lead the recipient to the desired outcome: Trees matter.

Now the Ask

Next in the packet is a paper with the images of a variety of trees native to the recipient’s local area free to the recipient . . . with a donation.

At the conclusion of the package is a beautifully printed “certificate of appreciation” printed with the recipient’s name, the nonprofit’s official seal, and the signature of its chief executive.

The Arbor Day Foundation provides a master class on multi-piece mailers. Every piece moves the recipient step by step to recognize the value of trees in their own lives, creating a desire for more trees around them, and ultimately to make a donation to support the foundation.

How could you use multi-piece mailers to engage your customers and move them through your marketing funnel?